24 April 2011

Slightly smug...

This year I am determined to expand my basic bookbinding skill.
Unfortunately I can't find a local course and at the moment travelling or staying over for a non local course isn't an option.
I love making my notebooks but I also want to have other options and sell variations of journals.
These are 2 Folksy shops which I love and often drop by just to marvel at their talent, gaze at, and admire their work, all whilst wishing that my skills were that good.

I have the basic stitches but the problem is how to start and finish. After alot of studying books, videos and blogs etc. Decided today was the day I would put all my findings together.
It's a Bank Holiday with lovely weather so the hubby and toddler are both in the garden, so off to practise...practise...practise...armed with string (because I have ALOT going spare) and scrap paper.
I know there are some mistakes but the basics are there and I am happy with my first (botched) attempt.

EDIT: Thank you Jools :o)
I contacted this lady to ask if it was okay to mention her fantastic shop on my blog and not only did she say yes but also messaged me with some great helpful tips and advice. Blogging is a great tool for shy people to meet new crafters.


Umbel Handmade Mania said...

Thank you for adding my work to your blog :-) Of all the things I do, bookbinding is the most complicated and rewarding. There's no feeling for me like completing one and holding it, knowing I made it.

I think people tend to pass us by a lot, as it's a very specific love and devotion that not everyone shares. In fact, few people ever pass comment on mine, so this is just lovely.

I really REALLY think you should have more confidence in what you're doing. I often look at your books and wish I could do the things you do. I'm not an experienced bookbinder, I used to make my own sketchbooks at university but that was a thousand years ago and I've only just recently started making them again.

We ought to get our heads together and swap notes, now that I know you're not one of the scary "done it a million times and knock a book out in 20 minutes without even looking" types!

Your work is wonderful and I genuinely look forward to seeing your next creations.


She loves a good yarn said...

Yay ladies, well done, I would love to able to book bind as my granddad used to do this all his life and he carried on the restoration and bookbinding long after his retirement, I can still see his workshop in the spare room of their house, in my minds eye. Oh carry on learning and sharing skills please!

dandelion said...

I love the idea of bookbinding, I'm not surprised you're feeling smug your book is looking beautiful.
I'm inspired

kate x

Unknown said...

Wow! Its looking fab Lorna. Bookbinding is something I've always fancied having a go at. Fab shops you've featured too