28 May 2011

Happy Birthday Taylor May

One of the parents at my brothers dance studio (http://www.starlightdance.net/) asked if I could make a "scrapbook" which would hold all the press cuttings, certificates, programmes and other collectable items her daughter has been, and will be, getting.
The brief was: no pink and had to have Starlight studio name on it.

Now this required a lot of thought because it would need to have pages bigger than A4 and that lay flat when open...
After a lot of worry, thought, planning and nerves, here is the result......

The silhouette is actually Taylor May in a ballet pose.
I went with Owire spine as it lays flat when open and will enable thicker items to be attached to pages.
A clear pocket at the front.
The pages are slightly larger than A4 so a pretty border will still be seen.
Some pages are plain some patterned. 
The pretty ribbon twill enables it all to be closed together.
The feedback:
HI Lorna i picked Taylor birthday present this afternoon, it is amazing, i cant wait for Taylor May to see it. Thank you for all your hard work, now need to sort out all her bits to put in it, its ging to be the best scrapbook ever, will need to rename this scrapbook tho :) xx Thanks again, i will be showing everybody so hopefully you may get some orders lol, its a great keepsake for stars of the future.

this is a little extra while testing the silhouette idea.
Thank you Taylor May (and Stacy) for letting me make you something so special.
Happy Birthday :o)


She loves a good yarn said...

I love reading your blog and I think you deserve this, so I'm awarding you with the Versatile Blogger Award.

You can read more about it here:


I'm also passing the rules for accepting this award:

* Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their site in your original post.
* Tell us seven things about yourself.
* Pass along the award to five newly discovered bloggers.
* Contact these bloggers and let them know they got this award.

It’s as simple as that. Hope you accept!

Pam, x

Umbel Handmade Mania said...

Hi Lorna

"I love reading your blog and I think you deserve this, so I'm awarding you with the Versatile Blogger Award.

I'm also passing the rules for accepting this award:

* Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their site in your original post.
* Tell us seven things about yourself.
* Pass along the award to five newly discovered bloggers.
* Contact these bloggers and let them know they got this award.

It’s as simple as that. Hope you accept!"