2 January 2012

A lovely journal for a lovely lady ...

Way back in May i was asked to make a special journal for a great little girl who attends my brothers dance school.
You can read more about that here:

Her mum asked me to make some more journals for Christmas. One for each daughter and only requirements were lined pages and with a specific photo on the front (this was slightly worrying as me and Dylon image maker fluid have a hit/miss relationship). I am very lucky when this lady asks me to make a journal because she just gives me her daughters favourite colours and that's it ... the rest is up to me.

They turned out very well and I wasn't the only one pleased with the result:

The feedback:
"oh my days the girls screamed when they opened them, jumped up and down, taylor shouts jacc and millie shouts starlight hahaha. Thank you thank you. I explained you made them and taylor eyes nearly popped out of her head lol."
Thank you Stacy for letting me make these special books and using your photos.



Unknown said...

What a fantastic project I love the finished items and your photo's are fab :) evajeanie

Gracie's Garden Bazaar said...

What a lovely reaction!you must be delighted and not surprised they loved them as they turned out beautifully :)xx

Creating Trouble said...

Oooh thank you for linking to my blog - how kind of you!
The notebooks look fabulous and being able to create a more personalised and meaningful gift is such an amazing thing to be able to do. The girls look really happy with their new presents.