I was embarrassed and shocked when reading another friends blog and the sidebar showed my last post as 4 weeks ago!!!
It's been busy, busy, busy here.
This sounds feeble but it's true.
Life has taken over.
I own a massive apology to a fantastic person who recently came through for me.
Here is a very belated THANK YOU...
Let me start at the beginning of my story.
One of my essentials tools is a paper piercer.
The one i have is VERY uncomfortable to hold, it actually hurts my hand.
To overcome this i purchased a bradawl BUT the point was too thick.
This meant i was back to using my painful paper piercer.
Whilst pondering how to combine the 2, i kept seeing these lovely wooden wine stoppers in my FB newsfeed:
They are the perfect shape.
So i decided to approach this seller with a strange request, the worse he could do was say no (well, and don't bother me with your wierd ideas again!!).
So the message: "Can you make me a paper piercer with this shaped handle?" was sent.
Suprisingly he did not say no but took me seriously.
The result was perfect and alot better than the idea i had in my head.
A lovely, wooden, palm sized, shaped, handle:
A grip on the tool:
A nib that unscrews ... which is perfect!
Taa Dahhh:
Thank you so so so much.
It is perfect.
So i cannot recommend this shop enough.
Here is more of his work:
(Perfect gifts for Mothers Day)

Thank you Roy :oDD
I too can highly recommend his work too. Always so much better than the pictures show. I have bought several things, letter openers, wine bottle stoppers and most recently a stunning purple pen and it is gorgeous, definitely worth every penny and more.
Not surprised he would do something like that for you at all.
what a brilliant idea lorna, i'm off to nosey :) x
That looks like an ideal crafting tool! How great that you found the perfect person to make the perfect item!
Funny how we all have our own preferences for our toolkit. My paper piercer is actually a quilling tool; it has a long, thin metal needle, with a nice sharp point, with a nice straight wooden handle. It's just the right length, thickness, woodiness, sharpness... I had to re-stick the needle into the handle, as it came out, but I used gorilla glue, so it's not going to come out again!
I was looking at a photo of someone's "basic tools for bookbinding" today. She had a butter/dessert knife for paper tearing and some funny little hand-clamps for holding paper in place. I have a huge long pallet knife, with a veeeery sharp, straight blade and I use bulldog or foldback clips to hold paper (or just a paperweight).
Your new paper piercer looks very comfortable to use - I hope the sore hands will be a thing of the past!
Rather belated but eventually got here.
Really thrilled you like it and thank you for being my chief promoter ;-)
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