11 January 2013

Happy New Year ... sorry it's been so long!!

Right back to blogging...
The break i took turned out to be longer than expected!
My main reason is my little man will be 4 shortly and starting Big school in Sept ... ekkkkkkkkkkkkk ... time has been spent enjoying his company.

We are now in 2013.
"Happy New Year"

So far it's going well:
*Started to make a new style of journal
*Discovered a new binding technique
*Found a great way to use my small paper and fabric scraps
*Lastly ... VERY exciting ... think it needs a virtual drum roll .. and a trumpet fanfare ...

Let me start at the beginning (a very good place to start)
My friend Deanne runs Quirky Boots (http://www.quirkyboots.co.uk/)
and recently wanted to give her Folksy shop an overhaul.
She asked if i could make a special journal for this occasion.
She wanted to start making pieces for weddings and asked to focus on that ... lots of lace, hint of green, creams, clean simple pages ...
The only thing she did ask was this beautiful collage featured on the front:

Finished journal:
Peep inside:
This last page has the defination of the word
This is where the exciting part comes in .....
look how the journal was used:
Congratulations Deanne and Tel
2013 is gonna be an exciting year for you both
(And it's only the second week.)


Mrs A. said...

What a beautiful journal and the last page makes it just so precious and special. Hugs Mrs A.

Kate said...

Beautiful journal. I particularly like the heart sewn into the spine ... lovely!

Deanne said...

thank you so much for sharing our gorgeous journal, we totally love it and i so cannot wait to start putting ideas and preparations into it :) x thank you x