10 May 2013

A perfect foot ...

... i have found it!!
i love my sewing machine and i love the extra feet that come with it.
(yes i am one of those strange people that know what all those extra feet do)

I also have a darning foot for the free motion sewing BUT i cannot get on with this one.
It goes too fast for me and i struggle for control.
If i am sewing a picture or tracing an outline i use my normal foot but it is restricting but if i take foot off i have nothing to weigh the fabric down.

Then last night an idea hit me ...
these ideas keep coming to me and it suprises me more than anyone!!

One of the extra feet is clear .. I can see through it when i sew .. perfect
This clear foot is a button hole foot but i always use the sliding one.
Arrgghhhh after using it found that it is not so  perfect due to the gap for the needle not being in the centre of foot.

No problem ... just ask husband when he gets home to cut out the middle!
He does and it works perfectly!!!!!!! yeayyyyyyyyyyyyy get me!

I do NOT recommend anyone does this but it works for me.
I am also a nutter who will put anything (and i mean anything) through my machine to see if it will sew.


Doodlebags said...

I like your resourcefulness.

Deanne said...

love it, did chuckle whilst reading this x

tamarajayne said...

Despite your warning, I think this could be the perfect solution for me to all the problems I've been having that sound the same as yours! Wish me luck...

Househund said...

what a clever hubby you have ;o)