16 January 2012

365 day challenges ...

Alot of these projects are popping up and i admire the people who take part in them. They are alot more determined than i am!

Here are some that I know about:

Click on the blog address to be taken to these great projects and if you know of anymore please let me know :o))
Well done guys...keep it up...


Zoe said...

Good morning!
Thanks for commenting on my blog and linking to it here, great stuff :)
I haven't had time to blog my challenge for the last few days so am faced with a massive update post later on!

Gail griggs said...

Good luck to all those doing a 365! Thank you for including my fish project too ... Am missing taking the fish photos now, it really does take over your life!

Unknown said...

Ooh thank you from evajeanie, I am going to follow the other blogs too. thanks mate you are a star!!!

hlimbrick said...

Oh I love the book a day idea! This year I have decided to make sure I do one creative thing each day, however big or small, and to try one new craft a month. It's a great way to stay motivated, I love it! Thanks for sharing the above links, I'm going to check that out now :) Hx